Thursday, December 17, 2009
Trichopathophobia is the fear of hair. Trichopathophobia is where you have an exaggerated fear of hair and anything related to hair. For example you would be afraid of a wig store. Also you would have trouble in public if everyone around you had hair or wigs. Trichopathophobia is not that common so it is very unlikely that you will meet someone with that phobia. There is little advice for someone with trichopathophobia, one could try moving to a place where everyone is bald but that is the only advice you can try. Therapy would be a good idea to get to help you.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Pantaloonyphobia is the fear of pants. It is an exagerated fear of pants and anything related to pants. For example if u have pantaloonyphobia you would be afraid if you were in a pants store or in a common area where people where pants like a city. It is an uncommon phobia so it is very unlikely that you would have one or more friends with pantaloonyphobia let alone meeting one. If you had pantaloonyphobia it would cause you a lot of trouble in your life. You would have trouble going to common places and if you are young you would possibly need to be home schooled or get therapy. There would not be very many options besides getting therapy, living out in the middle of nowhere or joining a nudeist colony.